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Permit Descriptions and Eligibility

Eligibility for Permits

To be eligible to purchase a parking permit, you must:

  • Have proof of University affiliation.
  • Have no outstanding obligations (fines) to Parking and Transportation.
  • Display a valid license plate on the vehicle registered.
  • Pay the appropriate fee.

Eligible Purchasers

  • Faculty and Staff - All Illinois State University tenure track faculty, non-tenure track faculty, civil service, and administrative professional employees.
  • Campus Residence Hall Students - All Illinois State University students residing in the campus residence halls.
  • Commuter Students - All Illinois State University students who are not residing in the campus residence halls. This includes Cardinal Court and University apartment residents.
  • Doctoral Students - All Illinois State University students who are enrolled in a doctoral program.
  • Graduate Teaching Assistants/Graduate Assistants - All Illinois State graduate teaching assistants and graduate assistants.

Permits are the property of the Office of Parking and Transportation. Ownership is not transferable by any other entity. Permits are for the exclusive use of the registrant. Permits may not be sold, exchanged, given away, or purchased from any person or entity but the Office of Parking and Transportation. Permits may not be reproduced or altered in any way. The Office of Parking and Transportation reserves the right to revoke parking privileges for violations of this regulation. Revocation may apply to both parties involved in any transaction that violates the rule. The permit registrant is responsible for all parking violations issued on any vehicle displaying or registered to their permit.

Unless otherwise specified, all annual permits are valid from August 1 of the current year to July 31 of the following year.

Termination of Employment

  • Individuals who terminate their employment with the University become ineligible for employee parking and must return their employee parking permit to our office. Parking permits assigned to terminated employees will be revoked and if found on campus the vehicle will be subject to citation and immediate tow.
  • Retirees must elect the retiree permit (if eligible) and return their employee permit. Retiree employee permits will be revoked and if found on campus the vehicle will be subject to citation and immediate tow.
  • Employees on a leave of absence who selected payroll deduction must continue to pay for their permits during their leave. Our office will notify you via your ISU email what is required of you in this circumstance. Please contact our office if you have questions about this process.
  • If, at any time, individuals who elected payroll deduction do not have sufficient payroll to pay for their parking permit, the permit will be revoked. Those individuals must contact our office for payment options. Please contact our office if you have questions about this process.

Permit Descriptions

Student Commuter Permits

Student Commuter permits are valid in student commuter (green) surface lots beginning at 6:00 a.m. From 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., permits are valid in faculty/staff (red) surface lots, reserved spaces, and garage zones. Student Commuter permits are not valid between 4:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. in any lot except lot S103. If you have an academic or University based employment need to park from 4:00 am to 6:00 am in green surface lots closer to campus you must contact our office for an additional permit. This is a virtual permit enforced with LPR.

Eligible Purchasers:

  • Doctoral Students
  • Graduate Teaching Assistants/Graduate Assistants
  • Commuter Students

Download Student Commuter permit information.

Campus Resident Student Storage Permits

All campus residence hall students are eligible to purchase a parking permit which will allow them to store their vehicle on campus while living in the residence halls.

Campus Resident Student Storage permits are valid in the specific surface parking lot or garage blue zone at all times. From 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., permits are valid in faculty/staff (red) surface lots, student commuter (green) surface lots, reserved spaces and garage zones. All storage vehicles MUST be removed from reserved spaces and garage zones by 4:00 a.m., Monday through Friday. Vehicles not removed from these areas are subject to immediate tow and will receive a citation. You must pay careful attention to signage and park in the correct lot or zone. In the School Street garage there are three types of parking areas. Do not park in the individual reserved spaces on the first and second floors, or in the all garage zone located on the third floor. Proceed to the top floor. Student storage permit holders, especially lot S81, may be required to move their vehicles for large events on west campus, or for snow removal. Alternate parking will be provided and you will be provided specific instructions via email. This is a virtual permit enforced with LPR.

School Street Garage Blue Zone - 400 S. School Street, Adjacent to Watterson Towers 
North University Street Garage Blue Zone- 501 W. Locust Street, Adjacent to the Bone Student Center 
South University Street Garage Blue Zone, 450 S. University Street, Adjacent to the State Farm Hall of Business 
S81 - 198 N. Adelaide Street, Adjacent to Wright Hall, Haynie Hall and Wilkins Hall (Tri-Towers)
S103 - 701 N. Main Street, Adjacent to the Office of Parking and Transportation

Campus Resident Student Storage Permits are valid from August 1 - May 15.

Eligible Purchasers:

  • All Campus Residence Hall Students

Download Resident permit information:

Cardinal Court Permits

Cardinal Court permits are valid in the Cardinal Court apartment complex at all times. From 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., permits are valid in faculty/staff (red) surface lots, student commuter (green) surface lots, reserved spaces and garage zones.  Permit is not valid in meters. Metered parking is for visitors to the complex. Pay careful attention to signage in the lot and do not park in restricted areas. Pay careful attention to signage in the lot. Some spaces are restricted during certain times of the year. The faculty/staff spaces in this lot are reserved at all times and are not part of the after hours allowances or open parking allowances. This is a virtual permit enforced with LPR.

You must have a vehicle registered to you or a direct family member to obtain a parking permit. The permit is for the use of the resident only and cannot be used by visitors. Residents of the Cardinal Court complex may also elect to purchase a student commuter permit to park on campus.

Visitors to the Cardinal Court complex may utilize street parking, metered areas, pay lots, or may purchase a one day visitor parking permit from our office. Cardinal Court permits cannot be used by visitors to the complex, they are for the exclusive use of the registrant only. Visitors must comply with all parking rules and regulations. 

Eligible Purchasers:

  • Residents of Cardinal Court Apartment Complex

Download Cardinal Court permit information.

A67 - A87 Permits (Fell Ave. and School St. Student Apartments)

Permits are valid in the designated lot (A67 or A87) at all times. From 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., permits are valid in faculty/staff (red) surface lots, student commuter (green) surface lots, reserved spaces and garage zones. This is a virtual permit enforced with LPR.

You must have a vehicle registered to you or a direct family member to obtain a parking permit. Illinois State University student apartment residents may also elect to purchase a student commuter permit for use on campus.

Visitors to the student apartments may utilize street parking, metered areas, pay lots, or may purchase a one day visitor parking permit from our office.  Student Apartment permits cannot be used by visitors to the apartments,  they are for the exclusive use of the registrant only. Visitors must comply with all parking rules and regulations.

Eligible Purchasers:

  • Residents of the Illinois State University owned apartments located on Fell Ave. and School St.

Download Student Apartment permit information.

All Garage Zone Permits

All Garage Reserved Zone permits are valid in the North University Street garage, the South University Street garage, and the School Street garage reserved zones at all times. From 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., permits are also valid in lot F71 and lot F62. From 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., permits are valid in all faculty/staff (red) surface lots, student commuter (green) surface lots, and reserved spaces. Do not park in the numbered reserved spaces in the School Street Garage until after 5:00 pm. Reserved spaces are located on the first and second floor. Pay careful attention to signage. Reserved space numbers are painted on the pavement and on the wall. This is a virtual permit enforced with LPR.

Eligible Purchasers:

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Doctoral Students
  • Graduate Teaching Assistants/Graduate Assistants
  • Commuter Students

Download Garage Zone permit information.

Park and Ride Permits

Park and Ride permits are valid in lot S103 and lot G103 beginning at 6:00 a.m. This lot is within walking distance to campus, or permit holders can utilize Connect Transit or ride their bike to campus. From 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., permits are valid in faculty/staff (red) surface lots, student commuter (green) surface lots, reserved spaces and garage zones. Park and Ride permits are not valid from 4:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. This is a virtual permit enforced with LPR.

Eligible Purchasers:

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Doctoral Students
  • Graduate Teaching Assistants/Graduate Assistants
  • Commuter Students

Download Park and Ride permit information.

Motorcycle/Moped Permits

Motorcycles and mopeds parked on campus must display a permit and  must park in the designated motorcycle areas at all times.  The motorcycle/moped permit must be displayed at the rear of the vehicle in such a way that it is clearly visible to parking enforcement.  Parking is not allowed for motorcycles and mopeds at any time in the parking garages, in bike racks, or in individual spaces in surface parking lots. Motorcycle and moped parking is allowed in the Bone Student Center pay lot, in designated motorcycle areas only. Motorcycles parking in the Bone Student Center pay lot must pay the hourly fee.

Eligible Purchasers:

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Doctoral Students
  • Graduate Teaching Assistants/Graduate Assistants
  • Commuter Students
  • Residence Hall Students

Download Motorcycle permit information.

Faculty/Staff Surface Permits

Faculty/Staff Surface permits are valid in faculty/staff (red) surface lots and student commuter (green) surface lots at all times. From 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., permits are valid reserved spaces and garage zones. Permit is not valid in reserved spaces or garage zones until after 5:00 p.m. and vehicles must be removed from these spaces by 4:00 a.m. Permit  is not valid  in meters, business permit spaces, service vehicle spaces, or the Bone Student Center pay lot. This is a virtual permit enforced with LPR.

Eligible Purchasers:

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Doctoral Students
  • Graduate Teaching Assistants/Graduate Assistants

Download Faculty/Staff permit information.

South Campus Upgrade Permit

The south campus upgrade permit is valid on the  top floor only  of the South University Street garage from 6:00 a.m to 4:00 a.m. The permit is  not  valid from 4:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.  An underlying faculty staff or student commuter surface permit must be purchased and displayed along with this permit. This permit is not valid in other garages, surface lots, or in the South University Street garage blue zone. Pay careful attention to signage to ensure you are parked in the correct area. This is a virtual permit enforced with LPR.

Eligible Purchasers:

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Commuter Students
  • Doctoral Students 
  • Graduate Teaching Assistants/Graduate Assistants

Download South Campus Upgrade permit information.

Reserved Space Permits (Individual and Departmental)

Individual reserved space permits are valid in the designated reserved space at all times. From 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. permits are also valid in lot F71 and lot F62. From 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., permits are valid in all other faculty staff (red) surface lots, student commuter (green) surface lots, other reserved spaces and garage zones. Vehicles  must  be removed from these additional allowance areas by 4:00 a.m. This is not a virtual permit and the physical permit must be properly displayed. 

If you are unable to park in your designated space due to a violator, you MUST contact our office for an accommodation. You cannot park in any other reserved space until after 5:00 p.m.

Written requests for substitute parking in an individual reserved space must be submitted by the permit holder to, and approved by, the Office of Parking and Transportation for the issuance of a separate short-term temporary permit. Any vehicle parked in a reserved space without the proper permit at any time will be ticketed and may be subject to immediate tow.

Individual reserved spaces on campus are being removed through attrition. Once the space is vacated, it will not be reassigned. In the garages these spaces will be converted to red zone parking spaces. In the surface lots they will be converted to faculty/staff surface spaces. 

Departmental reserved space placement requests are considered on a case by case basis and approval is not guaranteed. If approved, the location of the space will be determined by our office. Departmental reserved spaces are intended to facilitate departmental operations and accommodate departmental guests, donors, vendors, or others who would not normally have parking privileges on campus or in the area of the reserved space. Departmental spaces are not substitutes for routine employee or student parking, nor are they meant to be convenience spaces for departmental staff. Please include with your request a brief explanation of your departmental needs as it may be possible to meet those needs with existing options. (Updated 11/2/22)

Eligible Purchasers:

  • Current Faculty and Staff Reserved Space Holders Only
  • Departments

Download Reserved Space permit information.

University High School Junior/Senior Permits

U-High senior permits are valid in lots U83, G83, and G73 beginning at 6:00 a.m. From 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., permits are valid in faculty/staff (red) surface lots, student commuter (green) surface lots, reserved spaces and garage zones.  Permit is not valid from 4:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. Pay careful attention to signage to ensure you are parking in the correct area. 

U-High junior permits are valid in lot U91 and G81 beginning at 6:00 a.m. Beginning at 3:00 p.m., junior permits are valid in lots U83, G83, and G73. From 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., permits are valid in faculty/staff (red) surface lots, student commuter (green) surface lots, reserved spaces and garage zones.  Permit not valid from 4:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.  Pay careful attention to signage to ensure you are parking in the correct area. These are virtual permits and are enforced with LPR.

Eligible Purchasers:

  • University High School Students

Download U-High permit information:

Metcalf / University High School Laboratory School Permits

Laboratory School permits are valid in the designated spaces in lot L54 and in the designated spaces on the south side of U-High (lot F83)  for up to 90 minutes  between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. After 4:00 p.m., there is no time limit in the designated spaces and the permit also becomes valid in faculty/staff (red) surface lots and student commuter (green) surface lots. From 5:00 p.m. to 4 a.m, permit is valid in reserved spaces and garage zones. Permit is not valid from 4:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. This is not a virtual permit. Physical permit must be properly displayed.

There is a purchase limit of two permits per family. Laboratory School permits are not intended to replace a faculty staff or student commuter permit and parents or guardians who are faculty, staff, or students at Illinois State must purchase an additional permit for work or to attend classes on campus. 

Eligible Purchasers:

  • Parents/Guardians of U-High and Metcalf Students

Download Laboratory School permit information.

Emeritus/Retiree Permits

Emeritus/Retiree permits are valid in faculty/staff (red) surface lots and student commuter (green) surface lots at all times. From 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., permit is valid in reserved spaces and garage zones. Emeritus/Retiree permits are for the exclusive use of the emeritus/retiree and may not be transferred to another individual. The Emeritus/Retiree permit is not valid in hourly pay lots or meters or metered areas. This is a virtual permit enforced with LPR.

Eligible Purchasers:

  • Retirees/Survivors of Illinois State University retirees who present a current University ID card showing their retiree/survivor status.

Download Emeritus/Retiree permit information.

Business Permits (ISU Departments and Vendors)

Business permits are valid in business spaces for short term parking (up to 2 hours) only.  Business permits are also valid in metered areas and pay lots  for up to two hours  with no fees charged. Time spent in pay lots that is in excess of the two hour business permit time allowance will be charged at the regular hourly rate. Time spent at a metered area that is in excess of the two hour limit allowance must be compensated by paying the meter. Alternate parking with the business permit is available in faculty/staff (red) surface and student commuter (green) lots with no time limit. From 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., permit is valid in reserved spaces and garage zones. The permit is not valid from 4:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.  These permits are not valid in service vehicle spaces. The business permit is not intended to be used in place of a faculty/staff permit for long term parking.  Faculty and staff using the departmental business permit must also have purchased their individual faculty/staff or reserved space/zone virtual permit. This is not a virtual permit. Physical permit must be properly displayed. 

BUSINESS PERMIT USAGE ON CAMPUS IS CLOSELY MONITORED AND THE TIME ALLOWANCES ARE STRICTLY ENFORCED.  The purpose of the business permit is for short term parking to facilitate the business needs of many areas on campus. Moving of vehicles between business permit spaces within a lot to reset the time limit is contrary to the purpose of the business permit program. Time limits will not be reset when a vehicle moves from one business permit space to another, or from one metered space to another, with the sole purpose of attempting to gain an additional two hour time allowance. Similarly, exiting the business permit space and returning to it with the sole purpose of renewing the time limit is not acceptable and the time limit will not be reset. Vehicles displaying business permits that are found to be engaging in this activity will be cited with overtime violations.

Campus departments may allow their visitors to use their departmental business permit. In this case, the requirement to display another permit does not apply. Vendors using their own vendor business permits to park on campus are not subject to the additional (employee) permit requirement.

Eligible Purchasers:

  • Vendors
  • University Departments
  • Individuals conducting business with Illinois State University

Download Business permit information.

Visitor and Temporary Permits

Visitors must comply with all parking rules and regulations. 

One-day temporary permits are available for faculty, staff, and University departments requesting parking arrangements for their guests at a cost of $8.00 per day. Overnight temporary permits are also available for guests of the University at a cost of $8.00 per night. Visitors parked with temporary overnight permits must remove their vehicle from the specified lot(s) by no later than 9:00 a.m. the following day. If the temporary overnight permit spans more than one day, the vehicle must be removed from the specified lot by no later than 9:00 a.m. on the last day that the permit is valid. Visitor permits are not virtual permits. The physical permit must be properly displayed. 

Visitors arriving after the Office of Parking and Transportation business hours must contact the University Police Department (24 hours a day, seven days a week) at (309) 438-8631 for temporary arrangements. Follow the permit times and lot allowances on the permit closely to avoid a citation. Visitors who have business with the University may also use metered areas, park in the Bone Student Center pay lot, or park in the pay lot located on the first level of the South University Street Parking Garage for an hourly fee.

Eligible Purchasers:

  • Visitors to Illinois State University