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All vehicles that park in university parking spots, except for metered areas and hourly pay lots, must be registered to an active virtual parking permit or properly display a valid and appropriate physical parking permit during the posted hours. Permits must be hung from the rear view mirror of the vehicle to be considered properly displayed. Visitors to the Alumni Center are provided with complimentary parking and no permit display is required in the Alumni Center lot. Employees of the Alumni Center must secure an employee parking permit and must park in the area designed for faculty and staff located in the southwest corner of the lot. Vehicles must also display a valid vehicle registration and license plates must be properly affixed and facing the drive lane. Permits can be obtained at the Office of Parking and Transportation, 709 N. Main Street, Normal, Illinois, or online during the permit election period.
Each student may purchase one vehicle permit and one motorcycle permit. Students residing in University apartments may purchase their residential permit and also purchase a permit (vehicle and/or motorcycle) to park on campus. Faculty and staff may purchase one permit, one duplicate permit, and an additional motorcycle permit. Other exceptions to basic permit purchase regulations may be considered on an individual basis.
Permits are for the exclusive use of the registrant and are the property of the Office of Parking and Transportation. Ownership is not transferable. Permits may not be sold, exchanged, given away, or purchased from any person or agency other than the Office of Parking and Transportation. Permits may not be reproduced or altered. The Office of Parking and Transportation reserves the right to revoke parking privileges for violations of this regulation. Revocation may apply to both parties involved in any transaction that violates the rule. The registrant is responsible for all parking violations issued on any vehicle displaying or registered to their permit.
The parking permission/permit you purchase allows for one vehicle to park in one space.
Eligibility for Permits
To be eligible for purchasing, you must:
- Have proof of University affiliation.
- Have no outstanding obligations (fines) to Parking and Transportation.
- Display a valid license plate on the vehicle registered.
- Pay the appropriate fee.
A permit displayed on a vehicle not having current license plates will not be honored.
Parking Permit Upgrade
The Office of Parking and Transportation offers upgrade options to individuals who have an academic, intercollegiate, or University employment based parking need that requires an additional parking accommodation outside the standard allowances of their permit. An appropriate underlying permit must be in place before an upgrade will be granted. If a student or staff member has a need to park on campus and another permit is available to directly meet that need, the standard permit will be sold in lieu of the permit upgrade. Additional fees applicable for permit upgrades. Please contact the Office of Parking and Transportation for eligibility and fee structure.
Termination of Employment
- Individuals who terminate their employment with the University become ineligible for employee parking and must return their employee parking permit to our office. Physical permits must be returned to the parking office. Virtual permits can be returned by completing an online form.
- Parking permits assigned to terminated employees will be revoked. If the physical permit is found on campus, the vehicle will be subject to citation and immediate tow.
- Retirees must elect the retiree permit (if eligible) and return their employee permit. Retiree employee permits will be revoked and if found on campus the vehicle will be subject to citation and immediate tow.
- Employees on a leave of absence who selected payroll deduction must continue to pay for their permits during their leave. Our office will notify you via your ISU email what is required of you in this circumstance. Please contact our office if you have questions about this process.
Permit Display
Though most campus permits are now virtual permits, reserved space, laboratory school, business permit, motorcycle, board of trustee, guest and temporary parking permits still require a physical parking permit. Vehicles that do not properly display one of these physical permits in their respective areas are subject to citation.
Permits on all vehicles (except motorcycle/moped) must be hanging from the rear view mirror and must be visible through the windshield to be considered properly displayed.The motorcycle/moped permit must be displayed at the rear of the cycle and be clearly visible.
Read more about license plate recognition for virtual parking permits.
Lost or Stolen Permits
Lost permits should be reported to the Office of Parking and Transportation immediately and can be replaced for a $12.00 fee. Stolen permits should be reported to the ISU Police Department. Once the report is completed, the permit will be replaced at no charge. Any vehicle displaying a permit that has been reported lost or stolen will be issued a parking citation and will be subject to immediate tow.
Duplicate Permit Option
Faculty and staff who regularly drive different vehicles to campus have often asked if they could purchase a second permit for their convenience.
Faculty and staff who purchase a reserved space permit may purchase a duplicate permit. The duplicate permit will cost the same as the original permit. Payroll deduction can be used for the initial permit purchase only. Payroll deduction cannot be used for the duplicate permit.
The following restrictions apply:
- Duplicate purchasers must be faculty or staff, students are not eligible.
- Only one permit may be displayed on campus at a time. The duplicate permit is offered as a convenience to our customers and can only be used by the original purchaser. A citation will be issued if both permits are displayed on campus at the same time.
Faculty and staff must elect their initial permit online during the election period. Those who wish to purchase a duplicate permit must contact our office for assistance.